Alpha Lubricator PCB MAN B+W MCU | BCU | SBU

automation equipment / other automation equipment

Manufacturer: MAN B+W

Model:MCU | BCU | SBU

Type of machine: Alpha Lubricator PCB

item-No.: 164644865

Quantity: 1

Date: 19.02.2025

Year of manufacture:

Location: Land-in India 364001 Bhavnagar


Machine in stock:Yes

Make - MAN B&W
Item - Alpha Lubricator PCB
Models -

1. MCU (Master Control Unit)
2. BCU (Backup Control Unit)
3. SBU (Switch Board Unit)

Usage - The cylinder lubrication system is controlled by the Master Control Unit (MCU) which calculates the injection frequency based on the engine speed signal given by the tacho signal (ZE) and the fuel index.
The MCU is equipped with a Backup Control Unit (BCU) which, if the MCU malfunctions, activates an alarm and takes control automatically or manually, A5347050 via a (SBU) Switch Board Unit.
The MCU, BCU and SBU together comprise the Alpha Cylinder Lubricator Control Unit (ALCU) in the shape of a single steel cabinet which is, as standard, located in the Engine Control Room.
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Make - MAN B&W
Item - Alpha Lubricator PCB
Models -

1. MCU (Master Control Unit)
2. BCU (Backup Control Unit)
3. SBU (Switch Board Unit)

Usage - The cylinder lubrication system is controlled by the Master Control Unit (MCU) which calculates the injection frequency based on the engine speed signal given by the tacho signal (ZE) and the fuel index.
The MCU is equipped with a Backup Control Unit (BCU) which, if the MCU malfunctions, activates an alarm and takes control automatically or manually, A5347050 via a (SBU) Switch A5347050 Board Unit.
The MCU, BCU and SBU together comprise the Alpha Cylinder Lubricator Control Unit (ALCU) in the shape of a single steel cabinet which is, as standard, located in the Engine Control Room.
seller offer No. resale 164644865
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